Spring 2024 Updates
Reporting Ejections/Behavior/Serious Injuries: State Cup/Premier matches
Ref Insight does not yet have a post-game reporting process.
If you have any Ejections, Coach or Spectator behavior issues, or Serious Injuries in State Cup or Premier games you need to email a completed supplemental report form to [email protected]. Below is a link to a fillable form you can use:
For WMYSA and Elite games, you will continue to use the GotSport / Got Soccer forms Billy sent out last week.
If you have any Ejections, Coach or Spectator behavior issues, or Serious Injuries in State Cup or Premier games you need to email a completed supplemental report form to [email protected]. Below is a link to a fillable form you can use:
For WMYSA and Elite games, you will continue to use the GotSport / Got Soccer forms Billy sent out last week.